28 Mayıs 2020 Perşembe


As you've noticed, this blog is about ELT and remote/online teaching. While talking about these, we shouldn't forget about the essence of it, of course. And here I am today with the TPACK and SAMR. OK but what are those???

TPACK is short for Technological Pedagogical  and Content Knowledge, and is a framework that points out the main domains of knowledge. By this way, teachers can use them while teaching!!! Content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and technological knowledge make up the TPACK all together. 

Content knowledge: Teacher's actual knowledge about the language (grammar,vocabulary etc.).
Pedagogical knowledge: Teacher's knowledge of how to teach.
Technological knowledge: Teacher's knowledge of how to teach THROUGH technology.

SAMR is short for Substitution,Augmentation,Modification and Redefining Levels. It basically explains how and why technology should be used in education.

Substitution Level: Substitution of coursebooks.
Augmentation Level: Enhancing the class beyond coursebooks.
Modification Level: Modifying the teaching process.
Redefining Level: Changing the ways of teaching and learning.

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